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Human-Centric Lighting and skyceilings

Human-Centric Lighting for true biodynamic lighting

In areas where sufficient natural light is not available, Human Centric Lighting offers a solution. This lighting approach helps to create a healthy environment. But what exactly is Human Centric Lighting? And how can you combine ceiling lighting and Human Centric Lighting to unite the useful with the pleasant?

What is Human Centric Lighting

Human Centric Lighting plays a crucial role in creating a healthy work and living environment. The right amount and type of light significantly influence alertness, fatigue, and concentration of individuals in a space. A lack of sufficient light in a space results in reduced productivity in learning and working for people in that environment. To prevent this, Human Centric Lighting has been developed: a lighting system that puts human needs at the center.

How does Human Centric Lighting work?

In Human Centric Lighting, also known as biodynamic or circadian lighting, the lighting is adjusted to meet the needs of the human body. This approach is based on the 24-hour rhythm of the sun and how it affects our functioning. In other words, the biological clock of the people in the space forms the basis for the color, intensity, direction, and duration of the light. This is also why Human Centric Lighting is sometimes referred to as biodynamic lighting.

Ceiling lighting with biodynamic lighting

The use of Human Centric Lighting offers several advantages. But did you know that it is also possible to combine Human Centric Lighting with beautiful photo panels? For instance, OpenCeilings develops LED panels with daylight lighting, where a photo panel creates the illusion of looking through a window. The sharp designs provide a lifelike experience, mimicking the structure of a skylight frame. The biodynamic light emitted from this ‘skylight’ automatically changes based on sunrise and sunset.

Bring the outside inside

The skyceilings by OpenCeilings brings the pleasant outdoor feeling to any indoor space with stunningly realistic photographic illusions of a skylight. This gives spaces a more spacious and open character. For instance, a cloud ceiling can uniquely enhance the appearance of reception halls or office spaces. Additionally, a cloud ceiling is a practical way to create meeting spaces with an inspiring atmosphere, where everyone can also concentrate well. With biodynamic lighting, you ensure good focus from hour to hour with the look of a piece of nature!

Curious about the possibilities of cloud ceilings with Human Centric Lighting? Check out our product page or contact us. We are happy to think along with you!

Would you like to know more about the possibilities? Please contact us.
